Garuda revolves around the efforts of Vikram, a man on a mission to capture an evil mastermind who destroyed his family and is also a threat to the...
To rebel against her mother, Deepika, a young girl, sends explicit pictures of herself to a fictitious email address. However, the pictures are...
Idhaya Thirudan
'Makeup Man' tells the story of cinema within cinema. Directed by Shafi, the film has Jayaram and Sheela in lead roles. The film inside the film is...
Makeup Man
Bendu Apparao R.M.P
Kathi Kantha Rao is a comedy flick. In which, Allari Naresh playing the title role and "Kathi" is the surname of the hero in this movie. Kathi Kantha...
Kathi Kanta Rao
Four guys head to Goa for a bachelor’s party, wake up with a huge hangover and realise things have gone awry.
Action 3D
Jagadguru Adi Sankara is a 2013 ensemble cast Telugu biographical-devotional film directed by J. K. Bharavi. It is the cinematic of life of Adi...
Jagadguru Adi Shankara
Raja (Raghava Lawrence), a native of Coutrallam, is a happy-go-lucky-youngster. Tragedy strike his life when his father loses his hand when a doctor...
Rajadhi Raja
Agraja is an Kannada film directed by Srinandan starring Darshan and Jaggesh.Kamna Jethmalani, Sanjjanaa, Arundathi and Hardika Shetty play the...
Siddharth and his friends rescue a village in Warangal from severe floods. Sidhartha is convinced that Govt will give some relief package to the...
Ranam (Telugu: రణం, English: Battle) is a Telugu film which stars Gopichand and Kamna Jethmalani. Choreographer-turned-director...
After Coimbatore-based Ravichandra Verma passes away, his young son, Raja, assumes the responsibility of running the family business as well as...
Film starring Raja, Upendra and Kamna Jethmalani
Vicky often gets into trouble due to bad luck. Things change when he meets and falls in love with Shivani, daughter of a rich businessman.
A powerful police officer who is determined to maintain law and order in his area, is faced with a new challenge when his temple researcher...
Veediki Dookudekkuva