Moodori is a small village in the mountainous province of Gangwando South Korea. The village revolves around three elderly men named Bong-Gi, Hae-Gu...
Seventeen-year old Soonie is married to the ten-year old son of the local Korean medecine doctor. Married to a child, Soonie is subjected to the hard...
My Heart
Prospective writer Aeng-Doo lives with So-Young, Yoon-Jin and Na-Eun. Aeng-Doo and her 3 friends do not have much in common except that they all...
Miss Cherry's Love Puzzle
An old blacksmith discovers he shares a secret past with a troubled young woman he meets on the road in rural Korea.
Saeyoung is a new employee who eventually stands against Leesun, her stubborn team leader. Leesun is upset by Saeyoung's behavior, but she soon...
The Wicked
Two police stations from neighboring precincts are in constant fierce competition with each other, including for the Officer of the Year award. But...
Officer of the Year