The arrival of children, as seen through the stories of four different couples, just when a pregnancy comes along and conflicts with their lives. A...
The City of Children
A noir thriller set in Miami, the film follows an enforcer who discovers his femme fatale boss has branched out into cyber sex trafficking, putting a...
The Enforcer
Amongst the constantly talking animals of a herd, the basic rule of normality is the theater of conversation. When a young animal loses its voice and...
In a seemingly idyllic Cypriot village, twelve-year-old Socrates finds himself in the centre of a murder investigation that exposes a dark family...
Boy on the Bridge
On a beautiful remote island in Greece, young and spirited Alex joins the team of a boutique seaside restaurant as their new waitress. Despite her...
Haunted Heart
An isolated Cypriot village goes into tragicomic overload when a flying object crash-lands in a potato field inside the adjacent UN-controlled buffer...
Sunrise in Kimmeria