This film tells the story of a few uneventful days in the life of six pals. Lali, a great fan of America, owns a sandwich stand on the side of the...
Glass Tiger
In the sequel to the surprise hit Üvegtigris (2001), we witness the 6 losers again as they run amok around the roadside buffet, which again...
Glass Tiger 2
The Buharovs, as the harbingers of a supra-human world, blend their instinctive cosmos with a kind of quiet poetry to lead the viewer into the Land...
Land of Warm Waters
A pirate radio, the girl next door, and a test of friendship.
“… it might not have been a question of right and wrong. Which is to say that wrong choices can produce right results, and vice...
Just a Few Words
The animated film, “Days that were Filled with Sense by Fear”, deals with the story of a classic love triangle, using the style and the...
Days that were Filled with Sense by Fear
José Costa is a Brazilian ghost writer. Returning from a ghost writers convention his airplane is rerouted to Budapest. His life is also...
A couple has wanted a child for a long time. They are advised by their doctor to avoid stress in order to conceive. The man decides to leave his job....
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