This three-part movie begins with a young woman married to an older, cold-hearted man in the year 1200. Two rivals have a swordfight over the...
Erotic comedy about an incorrigible womanizer whose lecherous love life becomes too much to handle. Things culminate when his jealous friends arrange...
Line Up and Lay Down
A coming of age story; Philippe (Patrice Pascal) has sex with their maid. But he also has incestuous desire for his mother, Nadia (Nicole Avril). His...
Pierre is a free-lance glamour photographer who always has to hassle his penny-pinching employer just to get paid while his bored spouse...
Dirty Lovers
The story of a hotel boss that, from time to time, observes the couples in the rooms and even films them.
Love Life in Luxembourg
The third in a series of films featuring François Truffaut's alter-ego, Antoine Doinel, the story resumes with Antoine being discharged from...
Stolen Kisses
The young artist Wanda Leibovitz comes to Paris, hoping to forget unfortunate love. Soon after arrival directly at the station Wanda meets the...
Threshold of the Void