This art drenched, music driven, Art-Rock-Doc follows the journey of artist/shaman Wendi Morrison; from a childhood in Hollywood, and a decade of...
Camp OrangeRay
In 1973, the Loud family became a television sensation of a new kind. It was long before a metal rock star showed his eccentric family on the small...
Cinema Verite
A rebellious teen becomes embroiled in a dark conspiracy that involves her late father, after everyone thinks she drowned while vacationing with her...
Presumed Dead in Paradise
A look at Brittany Murphy's rise to Hollywood fame in the 1990s, her struggles with celebrity and self-esteem, and her mysterious death in 2009 at...
The Brittany Murphy Story
In this captivating Depression-era melodrama, impetuous veterinary student Jacob Jankowski joins a celebrated circus as an animal caretaker but faces...
Water for Elephants
"The Party Is Over" tells the story of three unusual guys who are roommates at a Southern California university and whose privileged lifestyle and...
The Party Is Over
A high school romantic dramedy, based on Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing."
Messina High
A night of sex, drugs and partying in the Hollywood Hill's is the perfect setting for Serina's 18th birthday - until this high school pool party goes...
The Devil Within
Three college students play a challenge game called Odds Are... It quickly erupts into a nightmare for the participants who find themselves caught in...
Odds Are
A mother's worst nightmare becomes reality when her five-year-old daughter mysteriously disappears.
My Daughter Was Stolen
After the death of her estranged sister Nikki, with whom she'd hadn't seen since they were separated in foster care, Carly is surprised to learn that...
Who Wants Me Dead?
A live-in nanny thinks she’s found the perfect family to work for until she learns they have a dark secret.
The Captive Nanny