Legendary comedienne Kate Clinton offers her riotous viewpoint on feminism, lesbianism, and life in this one-woman, stand-up performance. Clinton...
Here Comedy Presents Kate Clinton
In the early days of the pandemic, Andrea Meyerson, founder of Women On A Roll, launched an online platform for lesbians and queer women. She called...
An Unexpected Community
What started as a way for some very business-savvy women innkeepers to extend the tourist season in P-Town (Provincetown, Massachusetts) in the fall...
Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon have been partners in love and political struggle for fifty years. With incisive interviews, rare archival images and...
No Secret Anymore: The Times of Del Martin & Phyllis Lyon
Live performance clips are combined with behind-the-scenes footage and interviews in which the performers candidly share their life experiences,...
We're Funny That Way
An introspective dentist's suspicions about his wife's infidelity stresses his mental well being and family life to the breaking point.
The Secret Lives of Dentists