Henry Jekyll is a young science student who, along with his friend Mary, experiments with various drugs and compounds in order to create a...
Jekyll + Hyde
As a killer named Cinderhella stalks the student body at the high school in Grizzly Lake, a group of co-eds band together to survive while they're...
Three grown siblings (Judith Scott, Tyler Brooks, Brett Hicks-Maitland) face dilemmas in their careers and personal lives.
The Longer Day of Happiness
Nerdy accountant Harold and his irrepressible friend, Kumar, get stoned watching television and find themselves utterly bewitched by a commercial for...
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
Two talentless actors attempt to make it in the cruel world of showbiz. Without an ounce of talent between the two of them and their only strength...
Ham & Cheese
Coco is a professional assassin and has one shot to make things straight, but who will be the target?
The Last Hit
Rachel is a criminology student hoping to land a position as a teacher's assistant for professor Robert Starkman. She's sure this position will pave...
American Psycho II: All American Girl
Hannah went to work one day, as she did every day... only something was different: no one was there. No one was anywhere. Is she really THE LAST...
The Last Woman On Earth
A heartbroken documentary filmmaker focuses his camera on interesting women with hopes of meeting the love of his life.
Shoot To Marry