South of the Moon is the story of a young boy and his uncle, one dealing with the complexity and confusion of adolescence, the other with the pain...
South of the Moon
First Winter is a 1982 Canadian short film directed by John N. Smith. With the father away, an Irish immigrant family struggle to survive their first...
First Winter
Nellie, née Bouchard, is divorced by wealthy Jack Givens because after a miscarriage even in vitro fails to overcome her infertility. She...
The Double Life of Eleanor Kendall
A biopic depicting the life of filmmaker and aviation pioneer Howard Hughes from 1927 to 1947, during which time he became a successful film producer...
The Aviator
Madeline is 13 years old, as are her two friends, and nothing looks the same to her. Her sister is leaving to study medicine, and there's Freddy...
Dancing on the Moon
Greed, betrayal and vengeance set the stage for this Sir Arthur Conan Doyle classic. Mary Morstan, a young governess, has been receiving a rare and...
The Sign of Four
Six stories about Montreal. 1: A young housewife from Toronto samples the nightlife using basic French. 2: The tale of a painting of Montreal's first...
Montreal Stories