Harry, an ordinary man, undergoes an unexpected spiritual awakening, which triggers a peculiar physical manifestation, that provides him with a...
Transcending Harry
Abstinence leads to suffering, falling off the wagon means death. Tinou must adhere to a strict regimen to qualify as a recipient of a new liver....
The clever 21 year old Elodie lives with her parents and brother near Zürich. She has finished her training as a children's educator. Before...
Weglaufen geht nicht
The young Orthodox Jew, Motti Wolkenbruch, finds himself at a turning point. His beloved mother wants him to get married and presents one marriage...
The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch
Tired of boring students-sex, university students Rafael and Alex decide to explore a new science: Paleontology- which means, from now on, "she" must...