After surviving a helicopter crash in the uncharted South African wilderness, two young men, a girl and a renegade thief discover an ancient city...
The Lost City
Movie version cut from the TV series (Arende) Epic drama of honor, passion and freedom set during the Anglo-Boer War and follows the bound fates of...
Cape Rebel
Robey Leibbrandt was a South African boxer who became fascinated with Nazi ideology during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. In1939 he led an...
The Fourth Reich
South African Film
Decision to Die
The story of the birth of Christ brought to life in this claymation short film.
The First Christmas
Two divers find a treasure map, which apparently points to a sunken treasure below the ocean. They hire a professional to help them get the gold but...
Deadly Jaws
Pero is a handsome boy, but when he becomes enamored with his own looks, he must learn a difficult lesson about the value of external beauty. Based...
The Star Child
A claymation adaptation of "The Chimes: A Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In". The Chimes was a short novel by...
The Chimes
Dirk de Villiers -An English woman dares to defy the might of the British Empire and champions the cause of the Boers during the Anglo-Boer War,...
That Englishwoman: An Account of the Life of Emily Hobhouse