After repairing his HAM radio using parts found in the forest, a recluse radio operator receives a distress call from a stranded Soviet cosmonaut in...
In an alternate world where hearts are made of objects and suppressing emotions is self-care, a lonely woman rips out her own heart for the man she...
With Love and a Major Organ
Battles in virtual reality, survival in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a Soviet spaceship giving a distress signal - Fantastic stories created with...
Cosmic Chaos
A celebratory parody of the traditional TV holiday romance that follows Holly, a go-getter real estate exec from New York City who heads to a small...
A Clüsterfünke Christmas
Ming Wang is an impoverished Chinese prodigy who flees Communist China to become a pioneering eye surgeon in America. When tasked with restoring the...
A famous country singer set to marry a glamorous Hollywood actress returns to his small town roots. When he crosses paths with his childhood...
A Country Wedding