Set in Mumbai, the story unfolds in a hospital that is under siege, where Vivaan Ahuja and his wife Anshika are trapped. Does he manage to rescue her...
It is the story of a fiercely fought election campaign, where money power and corruption are the accepted norms, and where treachery and manipulation...
On the request of his friend Kabir, SP Adil Sends him to the Naxal group as an informer. When Kabir finds the truth he becomes one of their gang...
It is a contemporary story of a teenager who portrays an image of a protagonist is progressive-thinking, creative, tech-savvy, yet socially...
The film stars Vikram Gokhale.
June is a coming of age drama set in Aurangabad. Drawing from writer-producer Nikhil Mahajan's own childhood and of those known to him, June is a...
Badru hopes her volatile husband will reform if he stops drinking. But when his rage goes too far, she and her mom boldly, albeit clumsily, seek...
Nisha and Nikhil get married but soon divorce due to misunderstandings between them.Nisha then continues her new relationship with her college...
While facing backlash after a video of her at a nightclub goes viral, a teacher disappears suddenly — and a tenacious cop begins a thorny...
Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video
Ahead of a major constitutional decision which rendered the Article 370 of the Indian state ineffective, special agent Zooni Haksar is tasked with a...
Article 370
An Indian has no faith in the existence of God. His friend recounts numerous tales depicting the miracles of Sai Baba. Unconvinced, he visits Shirdi...
Shirdi Sai Baba
This roller coaster ride begins with the Wealthy Mr. Beri slipping into his third Coma. His four estranged children have to make it back home to be...
Crazy Cukkad Family
A vengeful drug-dealer/gangster targets and terrorizes an entire police unit and their families.