Pat Tate embarks on a rampage to avenge his loyal and trusted footsoldier's violent death, venturing beyond his comfort zone of Essex into the dark...
Rise of the Footsoldier: Vengeance
Farewell the tranquil mind. A bright, headstrong daughter of a senator; elevated by her status but stifled by its expectations. A refugee of...
National Theatre Live: Othello
A brutal account of how real-life, hard-as-nails Falklands War veteran Tony Tucker came to be involved in one of the most notorious gangland murders...
Rise of the Footsoldier: Origins
In the shadow of the Range Rover murders, drugs, violence and revenge continue to reign in a criminal underworld even darker and deadlier than before...
Bonded by Blood 2
Set against the backdrop of the 2011 UK summer riots, Jamie, a young female offender who possesses a remarkable voice, meets a determined social...
Urban Hymn
After Nick's girlfriend dumps him, his best mate Shane has the perfect antidote to his break-up blues: three days at an epic music festival.
The Festival
A young runaway ends up homeless with no choice but to try to survive life on the streets.
Homeless Ashes