In a future world, young people are increasingly becoming addicted to an illegal (and potentially deadly) battle simulation game called Avalon. When...
Boris, a teenager, is arrested by the police. As part of the cooperation, he agrees to infiltrate the gang.
An organised arts teacher has only one main problem in life, which is his father – a painter always going from one party to the next. When the...
An eleven-year old Irek travels with his mother to Budapest on the even of Martial Law in 1982 in Poland.
Budapest Diaries
Kornel is a twelve year old boy who is looking for treasure buried by his grandfather during WWII.
Adventurers' Club
The key aim of every ZOO is to protect animal species from extinction. In times of war, the most endangered species was the man. Under the Nazis'...
Of Animals and Men
Inspired by true events from the 1970s, the story revolves around a young detective who becomes the head of a police unit focused on catching a...
I'm a Killer
When wanting to stop breastfeeding a child, a mother in the old times would rub wormwood ointment into her bosom. Upon tasting the bitterness, the...
Bitter Herb
The protagonist of the film is a 12-year-old boy - Witek, the son of a small-town miller, a former entrepreneur who, after the war, holed up in a...
Home Chronicles
Despite the anti-Semitic campaign launched by the Polish People's Government in the late 1960s, director Jerzy Hoffman finishes working on the film...
The Deluge: Postscriptum