The second installment of the "Toriko" series, an erotic violence drama with a sexy idol cast. A beautiful newscaster was abducted on an isolated...
Captive Toriko Confinement Island
A dangerous lunatic going around breaking into the apartments of various women and brutally raping and killing them while wearing a black outfit and...
Toriko: Eyes of a Rapist
Daisuke gets swept up in a mission that attempts to recover a highly-confidential disc, only to find that there is a terrible trap waiting for him!...
Gigolo II
Part two of a three-part live adaptation of hentai manga La Blue Girl, Live Birth of the Demon Child follows on immediately from part one with Bidu...
La Blue Girl 2: Birth of the Demon Child
Based on the comic by Yoshikazu Ebisu, starring Riki Takeuchi, Dan-chan, who plays the role of Takeuchi, challenges the great game of the century,...
The Pachinko Game Drifter
#14 in the series, after "City of Desire."
The King of Minami: Ginjiro vs. The Evil Lawyer