The story centers on two protagonists at very different points in their lives. The first is Caleb, a young man who has just escaped a botched crime...
Before Known As
A band of soldiers tasked with staying behind during the Battle of Dunkirk to rescue a scientist with information that could turn the tide of the war...
Operation Dunkirk
Iris is haunted by a mysterious stalker and her own dreams. FBI agents surround Iris while bodies stack up around her. A modern day Dr. Jekyll and...
Dark Iris
A crime/thriller about two old friends that reconnect. They receive a briefcase that's been stolen from the local mob boss and are being chased by a...
Streets of Syndicate
An inexplicable archeological find leads Dr. Peter Kenner to conclude that we are not alone, aliens have visited the Earth in the distant past and...
The Watchers: Revelation