The film "1/2" is a story about two neighbors separated by a thin wall. Klara’s daily life begins at 4:30 a.m. with the lifting of a creaking...
The story follows the usual workday of taxi driver Aleš Križnik, who could be described as an educated, probably graduated economist,...
Two One
In a small town where everyone knows everybody else, independent researcher Vesna is investigating the death of the director of the local radio...
Val Sebald is an author who comes to the Island to retreat from life and land. There he lives among the islanders and his favorite women, the...
The Sea at the Time of the Eclipse
After his father's death, a young man (Gregor Bakovic) uses the black mourning flag and sews himself a pair of trousers. He then takes a train trip...
Gone with the Train
Father goes on a honeymoon with his American wife, but the children go along with them.
Happy End
The reconstruction of creation of an influential avantguarde movement called "Novo Mesto Spring" that arrived on Slovenian cultural scene during...
The Windhunter
In 1940, shortly before the outbreak of war, a young boy Marjan lives a carefree life with his gang in Ljubljana, experiencing all the problems of...
Veronica is a high school student studying to be a glazier, although she dreams of being a theatre actress. The only thing that she finds joy in at...
What a Sun
Goran is a literary student who writes erotic stories to support himself is introduced to Carmen, who was born in extramarital relationship of an...
A partisan battalion falls into enemy trap more than once, which makes them suspect it's about treason. Their commissar and commander move the unit...
The Fifth Ambush