Nesrin, a single mother who lives with her four-year-old son, struggles with her ex-husband Ömer’s oppressive behaviour and bureaucratic...
Glass Curtain
Hursit lives with his mother and disabled brother in Cappadocia. He sees that what he has learned at the religious school is quite different from...
Sihirbazlık Okulunda Bir Türk
A son tries to restore the honour of his father, who was imprisoned during the 1980 military coup.
Bizim Hikaye
Tutmayın Beni
Turkish college student Mert Kara travels to the US to work as an Au Pair, yet it somehow turns out to be self discovery, a journey to his soul,...
The Boy on the Bridge
A woman invites three friends over to eat, drink, and chat. While they appear to enjoy the day, they avoid discussing their deeper struggles. Tension...
All Hell Broke Loose the Day Before