Criminal police Li Hongqi accompanied his girlfriend back to his hometown for the Chinese New Year, and accidentally discovered that his...
Fight Against Evil
According to the legend, there are five immortals: the Fox, the Yellow, the White, the Willow and the Grey. The Five Immortals are known for their...
Hunt Down Foxes: The Northeast Legend
Northeast Father-in-law
True and False Humor Master
Legend of Changbai Mountain Hunter
Involves a haunted building.
The Ghost Building
Zhao Dawei, the son of the "richest" man in the stone village, who fails for the ninth time to propose marriage, but mistakenly believes that Chen...
Shi Tou Cun Bian Xing Ji
After villager Gu Dahe reports criminal leader Wei Tianlang, he mysteriously disappears, and his sister dies under suspicious circumstances. Amid a...
Black Storm
During the reign of Guangxu, the country was weakening and foreign troubles were becoming more and more urgent. The uprising was crushed by the old...
Clutch Time