The M Riders are members of a magic school hidden in the parallel space outside the earth’s atmosphere. After a mission to rescue magical...
The M Riders Finding Pangu
The films spans two decades as the story unfolds in a series of flashbacks that begin when Qiyue and Ansheng were just thirteen. The two became...
Dinosaur-ridden island adventure, with a battle-royale esque twist.
Jurassic Island
The sequel to Monster Hunt. Set in a world where monsters and humans co-exist, the franchise tells the story of Wuba, a baby monster born to be king....
Monster Hunt 2
The Opera House
Wu Qingqing is an agent of the International Security Alliance (to combat mutant crime) and is ordered to infiltrate Medusa Plastic Hospital to...
Mutant: Ghost War Girl
The East Sea Dragon Maiden, Aruo, wholeheartedly searches for her beloved. At any cost, she arrives by the side of the mortal Wang Sheng. Meanwhile,...
Love Without Permission
During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the old chief of the Red Flower Society Yu Wanting passes away from illness, and his godson...
The Book and the Sword
Witch Crazy Flower
Many urban legends exist around a famous "Suolongjing" near Beixin Bridge in old Beijing. The ancient water well with chains going underground....
Luban Four Heroes
Demon Sovereign Xuantian made a sound to protect the Demon Realm, and sent the little demon scum pretending to be alive to volley and ask the bone...
Hey! Little Bones