'Honeymoons' shows us that the distance between Eastern and Western Europe is more than a question of kilometers. The films follows two couples, one...
The story takes place in modern-day eastern Serbia, still fertile ground for various forms of superstition and prejudice. Zorica is a village girl...
Loveless Zoritsa
An Early Frost (Serbian: Kao Rani Mraz) is a Serbian movie. Movie is dramatization of a story of Vasa Ladački, inspired by the famous...
An Early Frost
Belgrade, 1999. People go in and out of cafés, and lively conversation echoes all around. As if no one expects the NATO bombings. As if they...
The Sky Above Us
Experimental movie dedicated to the work of Ljubomir Šimunić, author of avant-garde seventies and eighties movies, and photographer. The...
The Loop
While floating down the Danube, two wannabe terrorists reach Novi Sad with a plan to set up a bomb there. A guy who walks near finds the bomb by an...
Ginger: More Than a Game (Serbian: Zlatna levica, priča o Radivoju Koraću) is a Serbian documentary film about famous Serbian basketball...
Ginger: More Than a Game
A Serbian-born actress who lives in Berlin comes to Belgrade to play role in the project called "State". The encounter with her girl friend who deals...
While scouting locations for a shoot in Belgrade, Jelena, a young director makes up a story about Marija, a professor of political theory, whose...
Aleksandra falls in love with her mother's lover. Romance develops in two parallel directions. The focus is instability of one's identity, which...
Modern version of Dusan Makavejev classic from 1967.
Love Case