In a remote part of the countryside, a bungled kidnapping turns into a living nightmare for four central characters when they cross paths with a...
The Cottage
On the day of his retirement, a veteran CIA agent learns that his former protégé has been arrested in China, is sentenced to die the...
Spy Game
When a teenager is invited to a party on Chinese New Year, he is forced to confront his shame towards lion dancing.
In pursuit of an unclaimed $125,000 prize, a broke college dropout decides to play an obscure, 1980s survival computer game. But the game curses her,...
Choose or Die
The Story revolves around Gabriel Darbeaux, a young screenwriter and martial arts enthusiast who supplements his income by escorting wealthy women....
Ashes to Ashes
A chance opportunity arises for Robert Atkinson, a London banker who risks his bank's money to leave the mundane behind and start a new life. To take...
The Host