Based on the real-life friendship between Anne Frank and Hannah Goslar, from Nazi-occupied Amsterdam to their harrowing reunion in a concentration...
My Best Friend Anne Frank
After the sudden death of her older sister, a successful singer-songwriter finds herself facing their family's darkest memories as she fights to win...
Hidden in the Spotlight
Julia's hart
if Anton's parents get in financial trouble, Anton wants nothing more than to protect them. When he tries this, all certainties fall apart.
Joep is on the verge of bankruptcy. That is why this year the family holiday is no luxurious stay in Portugal, but a simple domestic getaway. In fact...
Home Away
Making Waves is the story of Cella (Jacqueline Blom) and her 71-year-old mother Johanna (Kitty Courbois). Life smiles upon Cella. Happily divorced,...
Making Waves
Pelle is a shy 12-year-old dreamer. During a family holiday he comes to realize he can’t stay a wallflower forever and is determined to change...
A fictional story within the historical context of the disastrous flood that engulfed the Dutch coastal province of Zeeland in 1953. When their...
The Storm
Januari 1963. Ondanks het barre weer besluit het bestuur van het Friese Elfstedencomité, onder druk van de media, met de kleinst mogelijke...
The Hell of '63
Lena is a lonely, plump adolescent girl. Much to her surprise she gets a relationship with the popular but unreliable Daan. Lena moves in with Daan...
Youth movie about the fashion loving Coco, who wins a trip to New York.
100% Coco New York
A young boy develops a passion for archeology and tries to unravel the truth about his ancestry.
Missing Link