Set during a sultry summer in a French suburb, Marie is desperate to join the local pool's synchronized swimming team, but is her interest solely for...
Water Lilies
It is the life in a village, this cloistered world that produces stories, boredom, some necessary friendships, the author says. During a day, he...
Il venait de Roumanie
A woman at the age of 50 moves back in with her parents after her husband leave her for a younger woman.
L'Amour sans le sexe
Soda : Un trop long week-end
Soda : Le Rêve américain
Les Nuits de sister Welsh
All girls volley ball team The Falcons end up stranded in the middle of nowhere after their mini-van breaks down. Little do they know they landed in...
Girls with Balls
An abattoir employee decides on a whim to rescue a calf still underweight for slaughter.
Maud is an architect and a mother. Due to a misunderstanding, she wins the competition to refurbish the parvis of Notre-Dame. Torn between these...
Notre Dame