Two teenage girls discover that mermaids really do exist after a violent storm washes one ashore. The mermaid, a sassy creature named Aquamarine, is...
A young playboy who learns he has one month until he becomes infertile sets out to procreate as much as possible.
Not Suitable For Children
Two social workers reach breaking point with the heartless welfare system which treats destitute children as criminals. Reaching out to these...
Street Angels
In order to protect his father's discovery, Lucas and his five friends go on the adventure of a lifetime to find the piece of a passing Comet that...
The Comet Kids
Struggling stand-up Sam Slade and reclusive writer Becky Holt are thrown together when Becky experiences strange phenomena in her own home, and Sam,...
Auditioning Fanny follows an eventful week in the life of Fanny Love. A naive woman with stars in her eyes for an old Hollywood world long gone, and...
Auditioning Fanny
Ava is on the way to the beach with her mum Kelly and her little brother Wally, but before they go she needs to find a new swimsuit. At the age of...
Two Piece
What happens when a gay priest dates a werewolf and the homophobic neighbors come knocking?
Two estranged sisters, Sam and Maggie, attempt to reconnect after the death of their mother. But Maggie isn't interested in anything, and that could...
Maggie May