Based on true events. In 1980s Poland, Jerzy Górski is a young man who finds the determination to struggle against his drug addiction through...
Breaking the Limits
Mania’s hysterical mother leaves the little girl at her aunt’s in the countryside. On her lonely summer holiday, Mania makes friends with...
Got to Love
He is one of the top celebrities in the country: a fast-talking TV host, who can joke his way out of any situation. Women want to be with him, men...
Planet Single
Policemen from two precincts are joining forces to fight the Mokotowska Group.
Pitbull: Public Orders
A story about a woman from the International Special Forces Unit, who has a premonition about the impending end of humanity.
Rage of Stars
A story about a boy from a Podlachian village, who realises his biggest dream - to sing and cheer people up. With his obstinacy, hard work and many...
Warsaw, Poland, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. Josh Mansky, a troubled math genius and former US chess champion, is recruited to hold a...
The Coldest Game
Days before the end of the school year, Liliana gives Janek an ultimatum, giving him 24 hours to either prove his love for her or forget about her...
The Word