When a lively young family moves in next door, grumpy widower Otto Anderson meets his match in a quick-witted, pregnant woman named Marisol, leading...
A Man Called Otto
An overeager teen and his eccentric mother hope an extracurricular scene rehearsal will reveal the sexuality of his mysterious drama class crush.
Making a Scene
Two witches use a Ouija board to resurrect their friend after she dies in a tragic accident.
Ouija Craft
A resilient young trans woman risks her life to escape an abusive past and finds new family in her former enemies, a tight-knit pack of queer...
Welcome to Pre-Life. What's your plan? Before starting their lives on earth, customers must get their plans approved by an unusual banker and his two...
The Best You Got
A suburban family drives their new gadget, The Alpha Home Assistant, to a killing rampage after mistreating and abusing it, leading to a full A.I....
The Alpha Test