After her mother's sudden death, ten-year-old Moja becomes the unexpected grown-up of her fragmented family, trying to bring her troubled older...
Moja Vesna
When a freak accident grievously injures her housemate, a guilt stricken pacifist must protect them both from a mysterious creature that roams their...
Following the passing of Rod Roberts, renowned host of the tacky paranormal reality show 'The Ghost Hunter', his estranged daughter Bec struggles to...
The Ghost Hunter
Orange Juice is a short film that follows Zoe, a young girl on the autism spectrum, who struggles to fit in with her peers as she attends a birthday...
Orange Juice
16 year old Saffie finds her summer holiday slowly consumed by a wave of unfamiliar feelings towards a new friend.
As Samantha attempts to keep up with the rapid changes of her new high school, she is convinced that in order to fit in, she must successfully summon...
Play Along
A woman travels to a diner hoping to meet someone from her past.
I Can't Be Sorry