Based on the novel Magno Mainak by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, the film portrays the iconic Bengali detective Byomkesh Bakshi along with his friend...
Satyanweshi Byomkesh
Khilat, a young software engineer and Joyee are determined to face any and all problems that life throws at them. Will they ever get there happily...
X Equals to Love
Neel, an ambitious businessman, has bought a crumbling palace to transform into a luxury hotel. He fails to realize that the stones come to life each...
The Hungry Stones
An adaptation of Megher Pore Megh written by Suchitra Bhattacharya.
Ekti Khunir Sandhane Mitin
Makar Kanti Chatterjee is a semi-educated self-made businessman who tries hard but often fails to communicate in English. On the other hand, his...