This 30-minute, animated Bible video recounts the traumatic early years of Moses’ life, his privileged youth in Pharaoh’s household, and...
The Miracles of Jesus is an exciting panorama of Jesus’ most touching miracles. Healing the sick and afflicted, raising Jairus’ dead...
The Miracles of Jesus
The King is Born is a video classic about the birth of Jesus based on the Bible. Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this...
The King is Born
People often found themselves speechless when they came face-to-face with the wisdom of Jesus—from the learned rabbis in the temple who were...
Jesus, the Son of God
He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord’s crucifixion...
He is Risen
Experience the Passion of Christ. Witness the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Pray with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will, but...
Worthy is the Lamb
Still grieving over the loss of his wife, widowed lawyer Jim Crawford (Michael Flynn) discovers a pack of orphaned wolf cubs who face certain death...
Friends for Life
Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah rebel against their parents and work to destroy the church of Christ. In answer to their parents’...
Alma the Younger
Samuel the Lamanite preaches of the birth of Jesus Christ and the sign of His coming but wicked Nephites drive Samuel from their city. Some Nephites...
Samuel and the Sign