Fifteen-year-old Suzanne seeks refuge from a disintegrating family in a series of impulsive, promiscuous affairs. Her fulsome sexuality further...
A Nos Amours
Somewhere in France during the Middle Ages. Béatrice is impatient to see her father return from English captivity. She doesn't expect however...
While traveling in Paris, author Henry Miller and his wife, June, meet Anais Nin, and sexual sparks fly as Nin starts an affair with the openly...
Henry & June
The Surveyors of Montmarte
Thomas is a drug addict. In an effort to put an end to his habit, he joins a community of former addicts who live isolated in the mountains and use...
The Prayer
A young man who has just experienced a breakup makes a variety of encounters throughout a day.
Les Yeux au Plafond
Everything would be perfect between Stéphanie and Clément if only he would accept to walk before her naked.
Just Walk Naked!
Reel 24 of Gérard Courant’s on-going Cinematon series.
Cinématon XXIV
A young teenaged girl tries to get affection from her cold-hearted mother in this gentle French drama. 14-year old Rosine lives somewhere in northern...