Based on the idea, "What if Bonnie and Clyde had kids?", the story takes place in the wild midland of Malaysia, in the aftermath of a robbery during...
Liar Land
Set in Singapore in 1979, A Year Of No Significance chronicles the gradual disintegration of a middle-aged architect as changes rock the 45th year of...
A Year of No Significance
Mrs. Chew and her three daughters run a small but flourishing restaurant. Most of the customers come for the house specialty: Homemade Curry - cooked...
Claypot Curry Killers
A poor family struggles to cope with tragedy and mental illness in a fractured society.
Shuttle Life
Adapted from the short story "She" from the book "Bitter" by Bissme S. The short film tells the story of an forbidden incestuous love affair from two...
32°C Fall in Love revolves around the love of a security guard for a storekeeper.
32°C Fall in Love
Rama is a supervisor who is looking for a driver at the last minute to deliver out of town. He manages to get Ah Meng and Bakri to do the task with...
Sini Ada Hantu