In the late 1930s, three reclusive middle-aged spinster sisters live on their run down family estate in Ireland. Otto Beck, a perpetual graduate...
Langrishe, Go Down
The outrageous story of 1970s porn icon Jack Wrangler, and how he rose to the top of the gay, and then straight, adult film industry.
Wrangler: Anatomy of an Icon
This documentary explores the life of jazz singer Anita O'Day. As a child, Anita had a tonsillectomy, during which her uvula was accidentally...
Anita O'Day: The Life of a Jazz Singer
A small town band makes it big, but loses track of their roots, as they get caught up into the big-time machinations of the music biz. Now, they must...
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
As Hollywood biographies go, Judy Garland's story is one of the saddest success stories you'll ever hear. The sanitized studio version of her life...
Judy Garland: By Myself
Trouble ensues when a new theatre-restaurant owner discovers the backer to be a harmless and moneyless lunatic.
Paris Follies of 1956
Christmas themed episode of the colgate comedy hour.
Abbott and Costello Christmas Show
Commemorating the centennial of Mercer's birth, this documentary is part biography, part archive, and part recontextualization, taking Mercer's tunes...
Johnny Mercer: The Dream's on Me