During a fun-filled getaway at a remote lake, teenager Kim (Dominique Swain) and her friends unwittingly unleash a murderous spirit when they make...
Dead Mary
An aging thief hopes to retire and live off his ill-gotten wealth when a young kid convinces him into doing one last heist.
The Score
Former government Jason Price makes people disappear for a living. But when a top lieutenant for a crime syndicate asks Price to help him drop out of...
Hidden Agenda
A group of archaeological students become trapped in the past when they go there to retrieve their professor. The group must survive in 14th century...
When the president of Russia suddenly dies, a man whose politics are virtually unknown succeeds him. The change in political leaders sparks paranoia...
The Sum of All Fears
Celeste has it all - a successful career, a handsome boyfriend and a luxurious new apartment with a breathtaking view of the city. However, Celeste's...
View of Terror