Two men fueled by alcohol and rage force a mechanic into giving their car a last minute inspection. As the process continues, shifts in power start...
Big Wheels: A Tale of the Laundry Game
When a small-town cocktail-enthusiast decides to kill himself after being diagnosed with a terminal illness he must deal with the repercussion his...
The Manhattan Project
In an old warehouse, a celebration among a gang of oddball criminals turns into a deadly standoff.
Once Upon a Slice in the West
In the heart of England, a secretive fixer embarks on his ultimate mission. "THE CHARON INCIDENT" is a short film that pays homage to thrillers of...
The Charon Incident
An intricate story unfolds when an undercover agent is interrogated by two detectives looking to solve the murder of their colleague.
We Came To Wreck Everything
In 2019, a medical company known as Coil Industries begins human trials of the controversial Amortal program. Aimed to have their cells replaced by...
A drug runner must prove his loyalty by taking on an unexpected assignment.
When a catastrophic attack puts a peaceful galactic nation on the brink of war, a lowly Scout is sent to an isolated planet to obtain the whereabouts...
To No Man's Land
A young thief with a history of grand theft auto becomes an informant and helps police bring down a criminal enterprise involved in the smuggling of...