In an Argentine village in the 1930s, the willful Leonor discovers that her beloved daughter, Charlotte, has dwarfism. Attempting to let her have as...
I Don't Want to Talk About It
Harvey, an old man from Scotland lives with his young son and daughter in an isolated house in Patagonia. Upon arrival of the emissaries of a...
Barbed Wire
Two men from completely different backgrounds confront a gang of swindlers. Norberto Lorenzi and Guillermo Parodi are the two "jokers" who meet and...
Eduardo Peña and Angel Ruiz are two Spanish actors who are on tour in Argentina. They try to achieve success there with a play that speaks of...
El dedo en la llaga
Years after a civil war, Erasmo's must face violence once more: His foster mother was murdered. On his way to find the murderer he makes friends with...
A Crysanthemum Bursts in Cincoesquinas