A drama that revolves around the speculations made by a widow woman taking advantage of the sympathies aroused by one of her three unmarried...
Las de Barranco
A bored young millionaire who goes to live with three unemployed people gets involved in the construction of a chapel.
La virgencita de madera
Juan Pérez is a waiter in a luxurious place where the bachelor party of a man who is going to get married for convenience is done. When a...
El pobre Pérez
A Young man from a wealthy family hide them his attraction for tango culture of arrabal. In a milonga he fell in love with Mirella and he have a...
Los muchachos de antes no usaban gomina
Faced with her own reflection, a woman traces the events that led her to renounce love, and the sacrifices she has made for her mother and sister.
El espejo
A delinquent, the son of a police commissioner, leaves prison to seduce someone who should be like a sister to him: a girl raised and loved by his...
Outside the Law
An old woman remembers when her daughter fell in love with a young neighbor, and she and her husband did everything to break that relationship.
La casa del recuerdo
Los Pérez García