"Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak" tells the story of three youths who each received a letter from the late Pak Sudir inviting them to his house. Upon...
Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak
In yet another sequel to the franchise, "Senario The Movie Ops Pocot" continues the tale of three guys who are always being bullied. Azli is single...
Senario The Movie: Ops Pocot
This story starts in a cemetery where Muzir is betrayed by Hasbi who wins over Muzir's wife. Hasbi is to be jailed for life. In prison, Muzir desires...
Master puppeteer, Awang Lah, becomes a uneasy teacher to Awi, a blind, orphaned boy, and Melor, a girl with a nasal problem. Though blind, Awi is...