The sixth film of the “Truck Yaro” series. Two long-distance truckers, Momojiro and Kinzo, travel around Japan in highly decorated...
I Am A Man of Honor
Japan Beauty Story
Japan Beauty Story: A Woman Among Women
The first of many movies featuring the lighthearted adventures of two truck drivers. Momojiro and his best friend Kinzo take to the road on their...
Truck Rascals: No One Can Stop Me
1977 Shochiku adaptation of Natsume Soseki's novel.
Saito Masao reminisces on the days of his youth more than 50 years ago and his forbidden love of his older cousin Tamiko. When he was 15, Tamiko...
The Wild Daisy
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
To Trap a Kidnapper
Depicts the bloody siege of the fortress of Port Arthur, one of the most strongly fortified positions in the world, during the Russo-Japanese War of...
Port Arthur
Story of three people, a barber, a Christian and a graduate of the Tokyo Military Academy during the 2nd World War.
The Imperial Japanese Empire
Tora-san helps out a runaway bride.
Tora-san, the Matchmaker
Hobo General