Ruthless businessman Luciano reconnects with his estranged family from a previous marriage, only to use their youngest son, awkward and starry-eyed...
Il figlio più piccolo
The story of Eugenio, young soldier of the Napoleonic army, in the Napoli of 1815 after the era of Gioacchino Murat.
Fire at My Heart
Il mistero di Laura
The Italian Painter Michele is forced by his rich girlfriend to move to a new house in Trieste, abandoning his privileged life. He finds himself in a...
Affittasi Vita
In search of purpose, 17-year-old Claudio helps easygoing mechanic Stefano build a car capable of winning a street race that could solve his...
Maximum Velocity (V-Max)
The Holy Family
Now without Aramis, the Musketeers embark on a new mission.
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