The film tells a turbulent year, 1997 in Albania, through the stories of a group of friends. On the thread of memories, real images and archival...
La Banda Grossi
An african little girl keeper of ancestral Voodoo secrets in the center of Turin. An albanian gang dedicated to morbid extreme practices in the...
Sangue misto
Two young girls, a hot, stifling summer, the desire to run away from a small provincial town. Luisa is full of life, uninhibited, unconventional....
Small Homeland
In a thermal bath town that withstands mass tourism, a builder and his surveyor partner start up an ambitious project: converting twenty abandoned...
Effetto domino
Homeless veterans Lilli and Aníbal find a baby in the dumpster on Christmas Eve. Although he looks healthy, they decide to take him to the...
Bread from Heaven