In a future where climate change and pollution have caused humanity to adapt, a father plans a heist to steal a prototype water filtration device...
When Sheila Johnson accidentally messes up a major illicit deal, local kingpin Barry and his goons kidnap her from the club where she dances....
Sheila Scorned
After getting mixed up with a dangerous crime syndicate, an undercover cop wakes up to discover he is missing his partner, his wife, and three days...
Last Three Days
When a tech blogger lands an interview with a tech guru and stops an attack on him, he finds a mysterious ring that takes him back 57 seconds into...
57 Seconds
Movie star London Clash gets his world turned upside down when he must choose between pursuing his one true love and landing a life-changing starring...
Good Mourning
Over 2000 Union soldiers, passengers and crew were crammed aboard the steamboat Sultana, licensed to carry 376. Graft, greed, overcrowding, a poorly...
Remember the Sultana
A simple birthday card and a first class ticket bring Andi and Emily face-to-face with a question that neither thought she was ready to confront.
The Visit
A policewoman makes her ex-boyfriend an offer he can't refuse: Either he infiltrates and informs on a gang of hooligans, or his brother goes to jail.
Five narcissistic roommates rife with animosity hastily conspire to pull off an underground rave party, without their elderly landlady knowing about...
All Out Dysfunktion!
A geneticist creates a website that pairs an individual with their ideal genetic partner for children.
The Perfect 46