Jochen Wenzel, a young teacher, married with two kids, one day surprisingly falls in love with a young male colleague, Tom Leuthner and they begin an...
An Unusual Affair
Each year in June, Bavarian housewife Elke Richter visits family in Halle, in the GDR. There she meets family friend Gregor Pohl, a married...
Jedes Jahr im Juni
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert and the dark shadows
Willkommen im Westerwald
A renowned actor named Otto is the epitome of the problematic but beloved ladies man. Even when drunk he still knows more about filmmaking than does...
Whiskey with Vodka
This time, Krause is scared when there are changes all around the village. How can he stop the passage of time?
Krauses Zukunft
The divorced florist Maria falls in love with the fated Holger, whose little son was killed two years ago in an accident with a driver's escape....
Das Glück ihres Lebens