This is a comedy about three physically impaired brothers named Nayan (blind), Dhwanit (mute) and Karan (deaf). Their lives take endearing turns when...
3 DOBA: 3 Mistakes of God
Pannaben is the master of politics and is the CM of a state. She has been the CM for 15 years and people love her as a leader. After a sudden turn of...
Family Politics of Blood
On realising that his girlfriend is pregnant, Rahul seeks help from his business partner and friends. Will his friends and acquaintances help him?...
Adko Dadko
This film exposes the scams prevailing in pharmaceutical world; how people pursuing medical profession make money at the cost of poor patients....
Three friends who are masters at solving problems and are a helping hard to the society, get into a trap while solving a personal problem which...
Daav Thai Gayo Yaar