In this animated retelling of the story from the Bible's Book of Genesis, Joseph's gift of dream interpretation and his brilliantly colored coat...
Joseph: King of Dreams
In this NBC Christmas Special from 1984, Mr. T plays a street Santa Claus who meets a young boy, played by Emmanuel Lewis of TV's Webster, who...
A Christmas Dream
At the opening party of a colossal—but poorly constructed—skyscraper, a massive fire breaks out, threatening to destroy the tower and...
The Towering Inferno
The life, career, and music of Irving Berlin are celebrated live on stage with musical performances.
Irving Berlin's 100th Birthday Celebration
Included with the CD is a bonus DVD featuring a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the album. Track List: 01. Won't You Be My Neighbor? - Jon...
Songs From the Neighborhood: The Music of Mister Rogers
An ex-fighter pilot forced to take over the controls of an airliner when the flight crew succumbs to food poisoning.
The most glittering, expensive, and exhausting videotaping session in television history took place Friday February 19, 1982 at New York's Radio City...
Night of 100 Stars