Ayu and Malik, two siblings are going through their darkest moments of lives when their beloved mother just died. Malik feels so depressed believing...
The story revolves around the British finding out that Tok Gajah intends to go to Terengganu to seek support from the Sultan and Malay heroes of...
Warrior Awang and Master Tok Gajah
Ustaz Kazim Elias is a beloved religious teacher, but at the same time, there are individuals who are jealous and not satisfied with him, even to the...
Zim Zim Ala Kazim
Ustaz Adam has to help a friend whose village is corrupted by a group of misguided religionists lead by a sinister sorcerer. To make matter worse,...
Munafik 2
Directed by Mawi, this movie is a continuation of the telemovie “Rock Sangkut”. It follows the adventures of three young village-dwellers...
Tiada Tajuk
An extended version of the historical action film about a legendary warrior fighting for independence during the British colonial era. The film...
Pendekar Awang & Tok Gajah: Darah Indera Gajah