Kimberly Jansen is a single mother who lives in a small Canadian town. After cutting her hand at a party, she visits the hospital to seek what she...
I Accuse
A young couple wanders the streets of Montreal in search of something more. Through their banter and a curbed couch their relationship is revealed...
When Juliette sets out to bring her slain lover – outlaw Ransom Pride – home to Texas to be buried, she knows the journey won't be easy,...
The Last Rites of Ransom Pride
Amelia's blog empowering women not to tolerate violent relationships has brought her fame, fortune and now someone is out to kill her. Is it the new...
No Surrender
A stuffy businessman finds himself trapped inside the body of his family's cat.
Nine Lives
Although Brad has a satisfying career, a sweet wife and a comfortable life in suburban Sacramento, things aren't quite what he imagined during his...
Brad's Status
Emily and her fiancé Christian discover a mysterious Wiccan artifact as they prepare to open a bistro in New Orleans’ French Quarter. A...
Callie finds herself affected by big business politics and decides to join an activist group to do something about it.
Trigger Point