In a small village, Hagar Erlich is somewhat of an alien, unable to find her place in the town community and in her own life as a newlywed. In the...
Funeral at Noon
Odelia, a talented screenwriter, and her father,a well-known author, have a bond that is both complicated and demanding. The agonies of writing make...
Nuzhat al-Fuad
Uri, a young officer, together with two soldiers under his command, are manning a checkpoint in the territitories. Tow woman from the 'Watch'...
Jerusalem 1976, a coming of age story about a confused girl, set against the Entebbe airplane hijacking.13- year-old Noa, is convinced she can free...
Miss Entebbe
On the morning of the October 7 attack, Rachel and David Edri were held hostage in their home in Ofakim by a terrorist squad. For 20 hours the couple...
Rachel from Ofakim