Three curious young girls stumble upon an obscure urban legend and dare to summon an entity known as Sweaty Larry. A brand new spin on the Bloody...
Sweaty Larry
The Duchess declares Grant Park as her duchy. James, a journalist making a documentary, has chosen the Atlanta character of The Duchess although he...
The Duchess of Grant Park
An experimental horror short based on the actor's individual real life experiences, being torn between two parts of their identity.
Torn Together
Set in 1992, during a hallucinogenic drug nightmare infused with illicit partying and forbidden sex, young ravers discover the murderous world of the...
Vikki, an innocent young woman falls victim to her own psychosis brought on by a man, Clayton, who's end goal is to rid the world of those different...
The Evil Inside Her
After a tragic accident kills her parents, Liza, unable to walk, spends her days terrorizing vloggers. When she witnesses a murder online, the police...
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